Attending School during Covid 19
Please see below the latest risk Assessment as per Government guidelines. Below is also a timetable of start and finish times and lining up places for entry into school. We have taken the decision to continue to restrict parental access to school while cases remain high and have communicated this in various letters and emails. Please also see PE timetable below which show the day your child needs to come to school in their PE kits - starting form Monday 6th September.
March 2021
We are looking forward to welcoming our children back to school on Monday the 8th March. Please find all the information you need below. It is very important that you note the staggered start times and where your child needs to enter school. We have worked hard to ensure the safety of all our children and staff and have organised the school into 'bubbles' . These bubbles have allocated break and lunch times and will not mix with other bubbles. We have enhanced cleaning services employed and are following all Government guidance. The Government have asked us to share information with you via this link and have also shared a leaflet with us that is attached below. Please also access the symptom checker via this link.
Please also see our current Risk assessments below