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New Christ Church

Church of England Primary School

Love Each Other, Love Our World, Love Ourselves

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Pupil Premium & Catch Up

Pupil Premium, is additional funding allocated to us by the Government,  linked to the number of pupils at the school who are eligible.
At New Christ Church we strategically plan the use of this funding to ensure that any child entitled to Pupil Premium makes progress in their learning that is as good as or better than pupils who are not entitled. The government has asked schools to do this as there is national evidence that children entitled to Pupil Premium perform less well than their peers. 
Our Pupil Premium statement is provided here to give you an overview of how we spend our pupil premium funding and the impact this has made. If you have any questions or want to talk about how your child’s progress is supported in school please e-mail or make an appointment to see a member of the Senior Leadership Team.


Each year the school is required to publish a Pupil Premium report. 


Catch Up funding is funding provided by the government for the academic year 2020-21.  Our planned spending and expected impact is included with our Pupil Premium report as the needs and priorities overlapped.  We have followed EEF research in our approach and are taking part in the National Tutoring Programme to support our pupils to close the gap in their learning which the Covid epidemic created.

Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-24

Trust Link

New Christ Church Primary School is a member of the Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust.
