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New Christ Church

Church of England Primary School

Love Ourselves, Love Each Other, Love our World

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British Values

We have an understanding that British Values form a fundamental core of our approach to life at New Christ Church School. We use these values to help guide our judgement and decision-making.  We teach these values explicitly through our curriculum.


Our core vision of loving each other, our world and ourselves are a constant reminder of our responsibilities and opportunities as citizens in a modern multi-cultural Britain. At New Christ Church School we adhere to and promote all aspects of British values; democracy, individual liberty, mutual respect, tolerance of all faiths and respect and understanding of the rule of law. At New Christ Church we aim to develop our children’s independence and tolerance by modelling these values in all aspects of school life, thus enriching their future experiences and lives as citizens in modern Britain.



These are examples of what we do to promote British Values within each phase of the school


Children’s roles and responsibilities to our children throughout the school:


Children vote for school council and in some curriculum areas

Democratic processes are modelled when working with school council

Democracy is studied as one of our historical strands across our curriculum

Individual Liberty

Children are trusted to undertake roles and become responsible for tasks around school.

Mutual respect and understanding that we are all individuals, underpins classroom practice.

Children are rewarded every week in Assembly, for their good choices

Children are safe and nurtured at school, and should feel safe to make choices without being judged.

Mutual Respect

We have respect and communication as the basis of our therapeutic Behaviour policy.

Our school values embody this - Love each other, love the world, love ourselves.

We celebrate all achievements and recognise and respect that some of us make smaller steps in our life journeys, but that these should be equally celebrated.

Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

Our R.E curriculum provides a broad and balanced education on a range of faiths, religions and cultures.

New Christ Church is a Christian Church of England school and we therefore focus on Christian values. We also promote and celebrate many other religions and faiths and enjoy sharing common themes and values across all spiritual beliefs. Our multi-cultural character and community, naturally lead us towards a tolerant and open -hearted approach to all other races and religions. We recognise, promote and celebrate the advantages and richness of living in a modern British Society.

The Rule of Law

Our Behaviour Policy is based on the therapeutic approach to behaviour and this is embedded into our daily school life.

We invest time and energy into ensuring all staff and children live and breathe this approach.

Children understand that good choices lead to reward and fulfilment, whilst recognising bad choices can lead to consequences. Our behaviour policy is upheld consistently and fairly across the school.

Trust Link

New Christ Church Primary School is a member of the Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust.
