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New Christ Church

Church of England Primary School

Love Each Other, Love Our World, Love Ourselves

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Christian Vision and Values


Our Christian Vision


We believe each person is unique, precious and loved by God.

We are a community that offer forgiveness and love to all; aspiring to compassionately serve our community and our world. Respect, dignity, and perseverance are aspirations we have for everyone, encouraging service in order that we all may flourish.

This is rooted in the bible verse and narrative of Jesus' life:


John 13: 34 ‘A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you.’



Our School Motto 

Jesus’ life inspires us to:




Our Values

The example of Jesus reminds us of how we should treat each other and our world.  Our values are based on Jesus' life and example and core values for our community.

Through times of collective worship, interactions with all our community and through our policies we aim to live out our vision through communicating our key values of:












Trust Link

New Christ Church Primary School is a member of the Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust.
