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New Christ Church

Church of England Primary School

Love Ourselves, Love Each Other, Love our World

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Contact Details

Who's Who

Senior Leadership Team


Mrs A. Crooks

Mrs J. Kitching

Deputy Headteacher

Miss M.Singh

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator

Mrs H. Bell

Admin & Finance Team

School Finance Manager

Mr D. Shepherd

Office Manager/PA to HeadteachersMrs C. Bushnell
Office Administrator

Ms L. Dyksman


Mrs A. Burke


Teaching Structure
Class NameYear GroupTeacher
BonsaiFoundation Stage Two

Mrs C.Ferguson

TA - Mrs Bond / Mrs Shalli

The NestVarious

Mrs Bell

TA- Ms Luka/ Miss Singh/ Mrs Chapman

CherryYear One

Miss A.Clarke 

TA-  Mrs Srivistava

WillowYear Two

Miss M.Singh

TA - Mrs Mohan

MapleYear Three

Ms U.Tietema

TA- Mrs Chapman

HollyYear Four

Miss K.Locke

TA - Ms Razzak

AppleYear Five

Mrs L.Markwell 

Mrs W.Tse

TA - Ms Sze

OakYear Six

Mr A.Matthews

TA - Mrs Newton



Support Staff
PPA coverMs TseHTLA
 Mrs ThomasTeacher
Lunchtime SupervisorMs S. Newton




Lunchtime ControllersAll our teaching assistants work as our lunchtime controllers as well 
Caterlink CookMs C.Touray 
Caterlink Assistant CookMrs S. Downey 


Premises Staff


Premises ManagerMrs C Bushnell  
CaretakerMr Cole  


Trust Link

New Christ Church Primary School is a member of the Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust.
