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New Christ Church

Church of England Primary School

Love Ourselves, Love Each Other, Love our World

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When you join New Christ Church Primary School, you are automatically a member of the Parent Teacher Association.


What is the PTA?


The PTA organises social and fundraising events for the school community and the money we raise enables the school to pay for all sorts of wonderful things to enhance our children’s experience in school. These events have included:

· Discos

· Advent Fair

· Summer Fair

· Wine tasting evening (adults only!)

· World Book Day : book café and story competition

· Easter Egg Hunt

· Discounted theatre and pantomime tickets

· Cake and ice lolly sales


In recent years, the PTA has been able to pay for:

· Refurbishments in the school library

· Annual leavers’ gifts for Year 6 children as they move on to secondary school

· A life-saving defibrillator for the school’s first aid equipment

· Playground toys and equipment

· Individual copies of books for children attending a workshop with the author

· Gardening sessions with Food 4 Families

· Gazebos to provide shelter from the sun


How can I help?

We have a committee which meets regularly to organize events. We are always keen to welcome new members. Alternatively, you can volunteer to help with particular events.

Get in contact via the school office, or speak to a current PTA  committee member on the playground.

Trust Link

New Christ Church Primary School is a member of the Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust.
